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October 3, 2011

Various New TweetTrader Features for Better Information and a Better User Experience

As you may have noticed, there is a new button on

Sign in with Twitter. Yes, you are right, it is now possible to log in with your Twitter account to customize your TweetTrader experience.

You now can:
Follow other users to build your own social network
Create your own dashboard
Create a portfolio of favorite stocks you are tracking
Manage your profile

With this latest release, you have many more options to filter the information stream of TweetTrader: you can specifically read the messages of users you follow, or only messages that discuss stocks from your portfolio.

Personal Livestream

Your portfolio received its own aggregated sentiment view, and shows sentiment change and price prediction in one, single view.

Portfolio Overview

In the dashboard, right after logging, we show you tops and flops: your portfolio stocks that showed the largest sentiment change.

Tops and Flows

To make it easier to identify users you might be interested in following, every user tweeting stock related messages automatically receives a profile that shows key user information, which stocks the user is tweeting about, whether the user's message are more bullish or more bearish compared to the overall average as well as the user's prediction accuracy.

User profile

Please let us know what you think about the changes ... and please keep spreading the word!

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